
Icons 1669393599 sketchbook icondb Sketchbook

A sketch a day keeps the world closer.
A sketch a day strengthens your imagination.

A sketch a day sharpens your skills.

A sketch a day becomes a habit like waiting for te sun to rise.

A sketch a day records moments in time.

A sketch a day keeps your eyes looking.

A sketch a day keeps your mind drawings.

A sketch a day builds a travel diary.
A sketch a day looks at how materials connect.
A sketch a day looks at how objects are arranged for pleasure.

A sketch a day looks at the residue of life.

A sketch a day brings in the movement of leaves in the tree.

A sketch a day captures the birds at the feeder.

A sketch a day creates caricatures of your friends.
A sketch a day catches buidlings scraping the sky.

A sketch a day…. are you ready?


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